Holiday Job Search - November 2013

Holiday Job Search!

Before you get depressed that you are in Job Search and the holidays are coming up, I want to dispel a myth. I am betting you have heard the following:

  • “No one is hiring” especially during the holidays!
  • Everyone is out on vacation during the holidays!
  • Budgets are spent; there is no MONEY!
  • Don’t even bother!

In an earlier era, many businesses slowed down (or shut down) during the holidays. For the most part, those days are long gone. In today’s 24/7 world, companies do not slow down just because there are a group of holidays in a 6-week period at the end of the year. In fact, just the opposite is true!

Hiring decisions are being made in the last six weeks of the year. And  the good news is not everyone knows this truth about holiday hiring.

That means there’s  less competition for positions!

Hiring managers are taking time to find top prospects for their open positions, so they can start the New Year with a full staff.

Given that between 45% and 92% of all hires are made through contacts and referrals, this is a great  time to make new contacts and reconnect with friends and colleagues.

If you would like more information on how to leverage your job search this holiday season,  please join us on December 4th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm (Pacific) for our annual Holiday Webinar. I promise you lots of ideas and suggestions for how to make the holidays the best job search time of all!

Wishing you Happy Holidays and a successful Job Search Season!